CBD Capsules

Get Lab-Tested, Potency-Guaranteed CBD Capsules Delivered To Your Door. Anywhere In Canada.

CBD is an acronym for Cannabidiol, one of 113 unique cannabinoids produced by the hemp or cannabis plant. Of these, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD are the two most potent and prominent cannabinoids.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD is utilized and processed by the human endocannabinoid system, where it causes specialized neurological reactions that signal the body to initiate certain kinds of immune responses.

CBD molecules travel through the bloodstream and attach to the CB2 neuroreceptor. Once bound to the neuroreceptor, it sends a signal to the brain and activates a strong immune system response which effectively attacks inflammation throughout the body and promotes rapid healing. Dopamine is also released in the brain as part of the reaction, which suppresses pain.

How CBD is Typically Ingested

You can ingest CBD by swallowing a CBD capsule, smoking cannabis flower, rubbing a CBD balm on your skin, consuming CBD tinctures, or vaping it. Ingesting a CBD hemp oil tincture or powder capsule is the more traditional way to consume cannabinoids if you take it for its powerful healing or pain-suppressing effects.

Types of CBD Capsules

CBD capsules come in a variety of forms and strengths. Some clinics offer discount rates for wholesale or bulk purchases. You can buy a CBD coconut oil capsule packet, 10mg CBD capsule packet, CBD THC capsule packet, 25mg CBD capsule packet, or a 20mg CBD capsule packet.

If you wish to buy capsules with higher doses of CBD, we recommend consulting your doctor or primary care physician first before taking it. A doctor will help you determine what CBD capsule dosage is right for you.

Can You Make a CBD Capsule?

You can certainly make your own cheap CBD capsules; however, dosages will be irregular and handling not necessarily sanitary. The beauty of buying CBD from a lab-tested provider is knowing you are getting a clean and pure product with no unhealthy byproducts. If you take CBD to treat a serious illness, we strongly discourage you from making your own.

Will CBD Make Me High?

CBD consumption is absolutely not the same as smoking marijuana. The psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). The THC molecule binds with your CB1 neuroreceptor to create an altered psychological state associated with getting high. CBD binds with a completely different neuroreceptor – the CB2 receptor.

CBD isn’t addictive, and you cannot get high from even large doses. The confusion is from marijuana products that contain both THC and CBD. If you prefer to get high while taking a CBD product, you will need to buy your CBD through a recreational marijuana dispensary. Never take a CBD and THC product to treat a serious illness unless you consult your doctor first.

What Illnesses Can CBD Treat?

Numerous research studies have shown that CBD can reduce the occurrence rate of epileptic seizures or stop them from occurring altogether. Seizures are typically the result of a lack of dopamine and other neurochemicals in the brain, and CBD stimulates the nervous system to create more of it.

CBD creates a potent anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body. Thus it can have a tremendously positive effect on arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and many other illnesses with an underlying cause of tissue inflammation.

CBD has even shown to help reduce the symptoms associated with general anxiety, social anxiety, depression, OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and PTSD OR Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Other conditions may include:

Any Negative Effects from Taking CBD?

One of the primary reasons CBD is so popular as a medicine is its almost zero negative side effects. In rare instances, it can cause nausea, restless sleep, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, red eyes, and dry mouth. If you do experience a negative side effect, you may be allergic to CBD. If you experience any of these negative side effects while taking CBD, stop taking it completely and consult with your doctor immediately.

Are CBD Capsules Legal?

CBD capsules are legal throughout all of Canada and in many states across the United States. Due to sweeping legalization over the last decade, patients can now enjoy all the positive health benefits of CBD without the risk of legal problems.

There is minimal social stigma associated with taking CBD. Even though it is produced by the hemp and cannabis plant, most people realize it is not the same as marijuana and THC.