CBD And Cervical Cancer

The content presented on this page is presented purely for information purposes, and is not intended to be constituted as medical advice in any way.

  • If you are suffering from or suspect you are suffering from Cervical Cancer, consult with a doctor.
  • If you think that CBD may be helpful in your circumstances, ask your doctor.

We believe that CBD is an astoundingly beneficial molecule that has an incredible array of uses.

However, content on our website is no substitute at all for the qualified opinion of a medical professional.

For similar reasons, we have made no product recommendations on this page. Our only recommendation is to follow the advice of a doctor, which may or may not include CBD.

The only way to consider CBD for Cervical Cancer is under the recommendations of, and supervision of, a medical doctor. You must consult with a doctor if you are suffering from Cervical Cancer and are wondering if CBD is right for you.

You probably have heard this before, but marijuana contains anti-carcinogens that can vastly improve your cancer treatment process. Additionally, the chemical compound known as CBD, which is in the marijuana plant, also has pain relief characteristics and antiemetic properties. Cannabidiol (CBD) is being researched by medical professionals around the world to gain a better understanding of its healing potential. Some researchers are even suggesting CBD oil cures cervical cancer. In the following, we’ll give an overview of cervical cancer and how cannabidiol can be of benefit as a supplementary form of therapy.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol is one of the many endocannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant. It is considered to be the most therapeutic in addition to THC. What sets it apart from THC, is that CBD does not actually get you high. It does not contain any of the psychotropic properties are in the THC compound. This has made it a popular choice for doctors as this means it is legal across the states. Additionally, many patients are concerned about getting “high”. There is no legitimate concern as long as you’re getting a true CBD extract.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that begins in a female’s uterus. More specifically, the cervix, which is the narrow opening coming from the vagina. The columnar cells that make up the cervical canal are susceptible to begin developing abnormal or precancerous cells.
The main cause of cervical cancer within women is the human papillomavirus (HPV). This can be contacted via sexual intercourse with another person that is carrying the virus. HPV has many forms, and not all of them can cause cancer. Statistics show that most adults at some point in their lives carry HPV. The infection can leave on its own, but in some cases, it can lead to genital warts. At times, it even subsequently leads to a cancer diagnosis. As a result of this, many women are recommended to undergo regular PAP testing. This can be yearly or every two years.
The most common form of cervical cancer is squamous cell cancers. Next, are adenocarcinoma cell cancers, which account for roughly 10-20% of overall cervical cancer cases. Adenocarcinoma starts in your mucus-producing glands located in the endocervix. Adenocarcinoma is becoming an increasing concern for younger women.

Current Treatments
The most common forms of cervical cancer treatment are radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy. Your doctor will determine your type of treatment depending on factors such as:
• Your personal preference.
• Additional health issues.
• Age.
• Cancer History.
• Cancer Stage.
Medical marijuana and CBD is now being recommended by more healthcare providers as an alternative form of supplementary treatment.
CBD Oil Effects on Cervical Cancer
An experiment conducted by South African medical researchers showed that CBD extract had the potential to kill and stop cancer cell growth. The main compound of the extract is the cannabidiol compound. The researchers found that cannabidiol activates a Bcl-2 degradation pathway, which helps the cells “kill themselves”. Cannabidiol also works as a preventive towards developing cancer. It can work as an anti-inflammation treatment.
Symptoms Cannabidiol can Treat
CBD extracts are now designed to specifically combat cancer and alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy. CBD for cervical cancer can also provide benefits as far as:
• Mood disorders like anxiety and depression.
• Weight loss and appetite loss.
• Insomnia and sleep quality.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Pain management.
• Fatigue.
While we believe that cannabidiol can be used as a form of treatment for cervical cancer, it should not be the only method you’re using. It is best used with a combination of other treatments recommended by your healthcare provider. Many dispensaries now are staffed with budtenders that can make recommendations on the best CBD strains for cervical cancer. Remember, it’s best to first consult a medical professional before purchasing any CBD products to ensure they’re right for you.